Putting your credit cards on ice
Rob Carrick - The Globe and Mail
The best of the Web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.
Putting Your Credit Cards On Ice
A trick for curing overspending on a credit card – freeze in a block of ice.
All You Need Is Term
That’s one of 10 things life insurers won’t tell you, according to the SmartMoney.com website. That’s term insurance, by the way. You simply pay for the amount of coverage you need.
Global Mortgage Trends
Highlights from an international study of mortgage trends. Interesting nugget: The average age of the first-time homebuyer in Canada is 30.3 years, compared to 31.6 years globally.
Just In Case
If you died unexpectedly, how would your family members find all the documents they need about insurances, bank accounts and investments, not to mention your will. Here’s a solution from a U.S. company: The LifeinCase, an organizing system for documents.
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