Message From Zarvaragh ( Iranian & Afghan Golden Pages of Canada Directory )
On Wednesday, January 7, just before noon, three masked men armed with automatic weapons attacked the French satirical newspaper, Charlie Hebdo, killing 12 people including journalists and law enforcement officers.
French President Francois Hollande said(Translated) ““No barbaric act will ever extinguish the freedom of the press. We are a united country that will react as one.””.
We at Zarvaragh ” Iranian & Afghan Golden Pages of Canada Directory.” Stand with the French people, stand up for the rights and protections of free speech, and unequivocally condemn the gruesome violence conducted in the name of Islam.
It is also critical to remind ourselves that promotion of better international understanding and mutual respect towards world peace is more urgent now than ever before.
Zarvaragh ” Iranian & Afghan Golden Pages of Canada Directory.”
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