welcome to Faezeh Kashani Law office
Faezeh Kashani Nejad,a barrister and solicitor and a member of the Iranian bar association, holder of an "Alternative Dispute Resolution Diploma (A.D.R)" and "Regulatory Law Administration" from Canada. Faezeh, has over 22 years of legal experience regarding local and international claims such as patent law, intellectual Property Law, and has well over 10 years of experience as an Ontario Court Interpreter in Canada. Faezeh also has an extensive background as a family counsellor for abused women and children (Domestic Violence based).
She was a former chair of the board of South Asian Family Support Services, a non-profit organization that offers various services such as settlement, employment and counselling services to newcomers in Toronto, Canada. Faezeh is currently a board member of CIAO Court interpreters' Association of Ontario as well.
انجام تشریفات مراسم عقد و ازدواج اتاق عقد آماده - خواندن خطبه و ثبت ازدواج - تنظیم سند ازدواج - فضای کافی برای پذیرایی مهمانان هنگام عقد