Magazine : Dari, Pashto, English, French ماهنامه مستقل خبری، معلوماتی و ادبی افغان های مقیم کانادا
The Afghan Post is a popular monthly publication of the Afghan community in Ontario, Canada, since 1999. Since then, it is into circulation with many thousand copies each month. It’s as the most desirable chronic among the Afghan community generally in Ontario and all Canada, particularly to a large number of Afghan intellectuals all over the world. The Afghan Post is the only publication, in comparison with all other Afghan publications inside or outside Canada that publishes in four languages (French, English, Pashtu & Dari). It reflects rough realties and development of Afghanistan as well as regional and international events taken from various reliable sources. That’s why the Afghan community enthusiastically need its contents and impatiently waits its print of each issue.