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یک شب به یاد ماندنی جشن شب ژانویه
زمان |
ساعت |
2011-12-31 - 2011-12-31 |
7:00pm to 2:00am |
اطلاعات بیشتر
یک شب به یاد ماندنی جشن شب ژانویه
با هنرنمایی خواننده و کمدین معروف دیجی مایکل و دیجی تکین
We could make it possible only with the generous support of few members of the board and volunteers who did a fantastic job in organizing the event, Michael performance was very successful and DJ Takin really shacked our guests. Dr. Naderi did a volunteer performance at the reception that we are all thankful to him. We have over 400 guests and the food, drink and service was very high standard. We thanks to Steve, Ahmad, Maral, Mandana, Houshang, Mehdi, Amir, Niyosha and Mehrdad as members of the board who did really a great job from start up to the end. We appreciate the help of Foroozan, Dr.Tajdolati, Mr.Sheikholeslami, Mani, Mr. Shomali and Sherri Shomali
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