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Mel Lastman Swab event in honor of Shahrzad - شهرزاد
زمان |
ساعت |
2013-07-06 - 2013-07-06 |
11:00am until 10:00pm |
مکان |
Mel Lastman Square, 5100 Yonge St
اطلاعات بیشتر
"SWAB EVENT IN HONOR OF SHAHRZAD" WE ARE DOING IT FOR ONE MORE TIME. FOR SHAHRZAD AND MANY OTHERS. If you havent done this already, here is your chance. It is an outdoor event with lots of activities for everyone. Shahrzad Team will be doing the Swab test all day and a simple swab test can save the lives of many. Look for our Huge Tent near the stage and let one of our volunteers help you register as a donor. We are looking for People between 17 to 35 (We prefer male donors) with an over all good general health. All that it takes is a mouth swab and your genetic information will be added to One-Match registry list. It is imperative for anyone that wants to partake in this event to realize that they could be a match to anyone,a total stranger for that matter. We're sure a lot of you who know us personally want to get tested and do this for Shahrzad personally, but remember that the same way you can be a match to a stranger,a stranger that volunteered just like you could be a match to our Shahrzad!! Please invite all Your firends.
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