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کنسرت زنده مازیار فلاح - تورنتو
زمان |
ساعت |
2012-11-30 - 2012-11-30 |
7:30 pm |
مکان |
Massey Theatre, 735 Eighth Avenue
اطلاعات بیشتر
Don't miss this spectacular concert at one of most popular venue, Massey theater. The show begins promptly at 7:00 p.m.
Get/Reserve your tickets now
Call Dream Evert,604 7280603 604.986 4086,SFU 604.614 1515 to purchase tickets by phone. Or email us at maziar.falahi@dreameventproductions.com
Or call/visit participating stores: Rose (Coquitlam) Mitra (West Vancouver): 604.913.0660 Afra (North Vancouver): 604.987.7454 Aria (Downtown): 604.569.1744 (Tickets will be available at the stores on next week)
Sponsored by SFUIranian Club http://www.facebook.com/sfu.iranians Amed Dance Academy http://www.dancebysoul.com/ Callika Leader in Communication http://www.callika.com/ (We are accepting sponsorship from all organizations,parties and reputable companies.For more info ,please contact us at 604.484.0567 or info@dreameventproductions.com )
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