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زمان |
ساعت |
2012-09-08 - 2012-09-08 |
10:00pm until 5:00am |
مکان |
Suba Lounge 292 College St.
اطلاعات بیشتر
Celebrating it's first release VKM by TAKiN
10pm-5am Music by:
.:||:. TAKiN (Maloos Music)
.:||:. GEORGE LOUKAS (Maloos Music, 6N7 Music)
.:||:. WES BONAVENTURE (Maloos Music, Bosno Info)
.:||:. DICK DIAMONDS (Zoo Technique, Deep North)
.:||:. The NIGHTOWLS (Maloos Music, Yazia Records)
.:||:. G MONEY (6N7 Music)
This Event will be the First of our monthly series of events featuring International and LOCAL super Talents, LIKE our page on FB and be up2date with future events and releases....
COVER: Before 11:30pm - $5 Before 12:30am - $10 After 12:30am - $20
FALLOW Us on Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/maloosmusic
For more info please sms to 1-416-268-7339
See you all on SATURDAY Sep 8th @ 292 Collage St West (@Spadina)
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