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جشن نوروز 1391 "Persian New Year Done How It Was Meant To Be!"
زمان |
ساعت |
2012-03-24 - 2012-03-24 |
7:00 pm |
اطلاعات بیشتر
برخيز که ميرود زمستان ….. بگشاي در سراي بستان نارنج و بنفشه بر طبق نه …..منقل بگذار در شبستان وين پرده بگوي تا به يک بار….زحمت ببرد ز پيش ايوان برخيز که باد صبح نوروز…..در باغچه ميکند گل افشان
Join us for our Second annual event as Arya Entertainment & Mehmooni.ca bring you yet, another amazing night... On Saturday March 24th, we will celebrate Norooz the way it was meant to be.
The night will be filled with fun and joy and will curtail the following:
~ OPEN BAR from 8PM - 1AM ~ Hors d'oeuvre and 4 appetizers ~ 2 choices of Iranian entrees for dinner ~ Dessert and sweets ~ Coffee and Tea
FREE exclusive Studio photography provided on sight beside the 7 sin and all night for the duration of the event ::The entertainment of the night will be provided by::
DJ Bliss Ft. Persis Band
--a special appearance by Toronto's very own-- NIMANI
And a guest appearance by Haji Firooz
Tickets $80 for adults and $40 for kids under 13.
To book your table please call: 416 500 7575 or 416 873 6219
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