How to set up your iPhone as a Wi-Fi mobile hotspot (iOS 10 tutorial)
Have you ever been in a situation where you are on the go - staying at a hotel or just camping outdoors - and have either your tablet or laptop with you, but no Wi-Fi in sight? It’s frustrating to not be able to do all those things you do on the web. Hey, we are not even speaking about checking out cat videos! We mean logging in to your Facebook or going through your mail. If you have your iPhone with you, though, there is an easy way to get your second device - be it a laptop or a tablet - connected.
Good news is that it is all very simple to do. You should just follow the few simple steps below and even novices will be able to get it up and running in no time. The only thing you need is a data plan on your phone, but this is an important requirement. Keep in mind that the Wi-Fi mobile hotspot that you create uses your phone data plan and can easily gobble up through your data allowance in no time. This is a recipe for cell phone bill disaster if not controlled, so make sure to use this with proper caution: use the hotspot when you have an unlimited data plan or just make sure to keep your usage in check and do not start any heavy downloads (downloading a full-featured movie can easily eat up your data).
Update: We have updated this post with new instructions for iOS 10 and the new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.
Follow this guide to create a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot on the iPhone 4s, iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, and up until the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, iPad Pro, iPad 2 and later, as well as the iPod touch 5th generation.
1. First, go into Settings
2. Then, select 'Cellular'
3. Tap on 'Cellular Data Options'
4. Tap on 'Cellular Data Network'
5. Scroll down to the Personal Hotspot area Just enter any Username (you can add an APN and password later on), and go back
6. Voila! Now, when you go back in the Settings menu, you can see a newly-appeared 'Personal Hotspot' tab. Select it to switch mobile hotspot on and off, as well as change the password.
7. This is how it looks when you turn the iOS 9 Personal Hotspot toggle on Once you switch the toggle, the mobile hotspot is on. You're done! The only thing left is for others to connect to the newly created network.
8. You can change the password to make it easier to type and remember Just tap on the Wi-Fi password field.
9. Want to check how it works? You can now connect to the just created Wi-Fi hotspot on any Wi-Fi-enabled device: a Windows machine, Android phone or tablet, another iOS gadget, anything. In case you are curious, we are using a Nexus 5 to connect to the newly established hotspot.
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